10 Easiest Munros to Bag in Scotland

Known for its majestic landscapes and lofty peaks, Scotland is home to a vast range of rugged mountains that are not only a sight to behold but that provide the perfect challenge for adventure-seekers! Munros are the most popular of these mountains, with the activity of 'Munro-bagging' becoming bigger and bigger across Scotland. You may be wondering what makes a Munro different to your regular mountain – the answer is its height! A Munro is defined as a Scottish mountain that has a minimum elevation of 3000 feet (914.4m). While this may seem overwhelming, climbing a Munro is not as daunting as you may think, and some of the smaller Munros only take around 4 hours to complete! However, with an impressive 282 of them dotted around the UK’s northernmost bonnie nation, it can be hard to know where to start. So, we're here to help you embark on your Munro-bagging journey with our guide to the 10 easiest Munros for beginners. Read on to discover our recommendations!

Wondering what is the smallest, easiest Munro for beginners to climb?

If you’re looking to bag your very first Munro, it’s probably a good idea to ease yourself in slowly by starting out with some of Scotland’s smallest peaks. Ideal for beginners, these are less strenuous and more easily surmountable. Let us run you through them…

Mount Keen

Situated in Angus, Mount Keen (the most easterly of all Munros) is relatively small, at only 3,081 feet. What makes it particularly special is its super-smooth path surrounded by pine forests, offering an ascent that’s both pretty and plain sailing! Popular not just among hikers but mountain bikers too, it's known as the highest point that you can cycle in Scotland. So, if you're more pro biking than hiking, take note! The time required to climb all the way to the top depends on where you start from, but if you take the most popular route (beginning at Glen Esk) you should be able to finish your round-trip in around 5-6 hours.

Ben Chonzie

Considered by many to be the easiest Munro to climb at just 3,054 feet, Ben Chonzie is located near Comrie, in the region of Perthshire. The ascent is fairly easy-going thanks to its path that runs almost the whole way up (although there are a few boggy sections nearer the top, since it is Scotland after all!). The real incentive to take on this Munro is that, once you reach the circular summit cairn at the top, you’ll be able to enjoy stunning views from all directions, including Glen Turret and Loch Turret too.

Ben Lomond

A crowd favourite, as well as one of our very own preferred peaks, Ben Lomond is Scotland’s most southerly Munro. Sitting slightly to the east of bonnie Loch Lomond, it's easy to access from the small, quaint village of Rowardennan. At 3,196 feet, it only takes around 4.5 - 6 hours to walk, depending on your pace. The path up and down is pretty steady, without too many steep slopes. All these details aside, the reason why we love this Scottish summit so much is that once you get to the top, the view of the Trossach’s famous loch is a breathtaking sight to behold!

Cairn Gorm

At 4,084 feet, you might be questioning why we've included Cairn Gorm in our list of small Munros to climb… We must admit, we've cheated slightly! What makes this walk particularly short and easy though is its car park that sits pretty high up the mountain, reducing the climb significantly. You'll only need about 3 - 3.5 hours for this walk if you ditch the car and start from this conveniently located spot! Better known as a popular ski centre among Scots, Cairn Gorm is in the Highlands of Scotland, not far from Aviemore. Once you reach the summit, you'll be awestruck by the various snow-topped peaks that you’ll be able to see dotted across the region. Our top travel tip when it comes to this not-to-be-missed Munro is to make sure you stick to its paths and avoid visiting during busy ski seasons. 

The Cairnwell

Another Munro that features a handy, high-up car park is the Cairnwell, which soars at around 3,061 feet. You can park your car at the Glen Shee Ski Centre, making this climb only around 1 km and therefore, in our opinion, arguably the easiest to conquer! While there is no real path to follow, the ground is generally flat and makes for a straightforward climb, meaning this Munro can be bagged in 3 hours total. Situated in the Eastern Highlands, its close proximity to the Càrn Aosda summit means that you can climb both Munros together. So, if you're looking for an easy way to tick off multiple Munros and bag extra points, this is a good option for you! 

Looking for a bit more of a challenge? These are some easy, yet slightly taller Munros on the map!

For those among you who are not totally new to hiking but still want to take it somewhat easy, you may be looking for a slightly taller Munro to climb. The following may interest those well-accustomed to ascents…

Ben Wyvis

Reaching 3,431 feet, Ben Wyvis is situated in Easter Ross, in the Scottish Highlands. While its height may be impressive, it remains an attainable challenge thanks to its steady ascent. It should take you about 4.5 - 5.5 hours to complete dependent on your fitness level. As well as a gentler incline, this Munro boasts abundant wildlife, making it a real draw for nature lovers! When trekking here, you’ll want to keep a pair of binoculars on hand and watch out for the wide array of rare migratory birds that are known to nest in the mountain's mossy land!


Perhaps one of the most well-known Munros, Schiehallion is located a fair bit further south than Ben Wyvis, in the region of Perthshire. Its name can be translated as the 'Fairy Hill of the Caledonians,' and it sticks out thanks to its almost perfect cone-like shape. It only takes around 3-4 hours to complete despite its lofty 3,457 feet! And what makes it even more enticing is that, while scaling its slopes, you may encounter some of Scotland's most fascinating creatures, including red deer if you're really lucky!

What about bagging a Munro with the best view? Enjoy the scenery from the heights of the Scottish mountains!

If you're looking to experience some of Scotland's best and most breathtaking views, we have a few suggestions that we're sure you're going to love! Just don't forget to bring your camera...

Ben Vorlich

Another Perthshire treasure, Ben Vorlich is 3,232 feet tall and lies on the shores of Loch Earn. This means that it provides excellent views of both Scotland's Highlands and stunning Lowlands too! Its name translates to 'sea-bay' because of all the small, sparkling bays in the loch that you'll be able to see from the top! Picture perfect, this view can be yours for a walk time of only 4-5 hours!

Fionn Bheinn

Accessed from the rural Achnasheen in the Scottish Highland's, Fionn Bheinn provides some of the most incredible views any Munro has to offer thanks to its isolated position. With its panorama unblemished by other peaks, at the top of its 3,061 feet you can see for miles, with a particularly nice view of Loch Fannich, as well as the nearby Torridon Giants! So, if a nice vantage point is what you're after, Fionn Bheinn is a great choice, and takes about 4-5 hours to complete.

Broad Cairn

Located in the Grampians, Broad Cairn is not too far from Balmoral Castle, near the River Dee. At 3,274 feet, its summit is pretty rocky, yet still remains a good choice for beginners. Unlike Fionn Bheinn, it is surrounded by 5 other Munro peaks, and is often used as a route to reach them, as a way of bagging multiple Munros at once! Once you’ve reached the top, you’ll be surrounded by lofty peaks, including Lochnagar and Mount Keen. A fairly gentle climb, you should still give yourself a good 6 hours for this walk.

Whether near or far, get out and explore our list of Munros!

Whether you're an experienced hiker or a total newbie, this guide will hopefully help you navigate the easiest Munros to bag. So, start creating your Munro checklist, and prepare to be swept away by the some of the best views bonnie Scotland has to offer! Why wait? Pack your backpack, lace up your walking boots and get going on your high-altitude adventure! And if you're looking for mountains to climb in different corners of the UK, why not check out our Mountain Guide covering all four nations?

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